3 d’oct. 2017


On October 3 2017, that is, two days after rhe referendum, I wrote this post to bitterly complain about a host of lies being issued by central government and those on its payroll.

***** Click on "Més informació" to read a longer English text *****
***** Clica a "Més informació" per llegir el text en català, i les piulades *****

Mai no he vist una sèrie tan llarga de mentides i calúmnies. Afortunadament la premsa internacional, massivament, i els observadors internacionals, massivament, i les juntes electorals poden acreditar la falsedat de les seves afirmacions, allunyades de la realitat, i segurament dirigides a mantenir un clima d'enfrontament entre espanyols i catalans que, a Catalunya no ha tingut més eco que uns nacionalistes espanyols esforçant-se a arrencar de la plaça de Sant Jaume una gran pancarta a favor de... la democràcia.

Ho explico en anglès:

Never have I seen such a long list of lies and slander, by a harmless-looking guy who's the government party's spokesman in the Congress. Fortunately the international press, massively, and the international observers, massively, and the electoral boards can accredit the falsehood of his affirmations, far from reality, and surely aimed to keep alive a climate of confrontation between Spaniards and Catalans that, in Catalonia, has not had any more echo beyond some Spanish nationalists straining to pull down in Sant Jaume Square a large banner in favour of... democracy.

I'll finish this post hastily, as I see pictures of thousands of people in plainclothes leaving the troopships where most of the Spanish police that were sent to "support" the Catalan police in keeping the Peace - without having been invited - have been staying.

That means they will only add to the agents provocateurs that have been identified in various towns, and those who arrived at lunchtime on a high speed train from Madrid from which all the passengers had been thrown out, with the single task of turning this afternoon's protests into "tumultuous riots". The demonstrations called in the last six years by the pro-independence organisations, have not caused even a scratch to anyone, and today's is in support of the fundamental human rights violated on a large scale by that police force on Sunday.

If the Spanish police stayed in their barracks, or went home, there would once again not be a single incident. But the scenario is grim: in a few minutes we shall see people draped in pro-independence flags and a pro-independence shirt, well photographed from behind by colleagues, shrieking abuse at the Spanish police and trying to provoke others into giving Madrid an excuse to apply an article in the Constitution that can effectively abolish home rule. And they need "tumultuous riots" to accuse people of "sedition".

Organisers of this afternoon's demonstrations have been insistently calling on those intending to attend them to isolate and identify these agents provocateurs. This is crucial, for only violence will give the Spanish goverment a "good" excuse.

More helicopters overhead now, at home. Let's watch the TV.

I can shoot down every single one of his claims, if anyone is interested... P.S. He'll be sued:

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