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Más ideología que inteligencia en la estrategia antiterrorista del PP (More ideology than strategy in the anti-terrorist strategy of the PP)
Carlos Enrique Bayo
22 August 2017
My translation: "...On two occasions, the Minister of the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido, has already gone out to made vague calls for "unity" and "absolute cooperation" in the fight against terrorism, only days after his own actions belied him: as soon as it was confirmed that the massacre of Las Ramblas was due to a terrorist attack, the Spanish government - with Mariano Rajoy and Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría at its head - travelled to Barcelona... though not to join the emergency cabinet created there by the Generalitat, but to form its own crisis cabinet and thus claim the political command of police operations against the murderous commando. So clear was this intention that neither that night nor the following morning was any representative of the Generalitat invited, not even the Mossos d'Esquadra who were chasing the Jihadists on the ground."
Many, including Prof, Ferran Requejo, have substantiated evidence to believe the Spanish police forces have for years kept the Catalan police in the dark, not feeding them vital information.
A recent example:
'A US spy agency [Exeintel] says it had contacted with the Rambla assassin on 31 July". "Spies working for the Exeintel group, which works in Intelligence Security under contract for the US secret service, claimed to have released an international "Red Alert" after passing off as Jihadists and deceiving Younes Abouyaaqoub, who told them they were "five brothers", that they were "in Spain" led by "an imam" and were going to "attack a numbder of small towns"'
25 August 2017
'A US spy agency [Exeintel] says it had contacted with the Rambla assassin on 31 July". "Spies working for the Exeintel group, which works in Intelligence Security under contract for the US secret service, claimed to have released an international "Red Alert" after passing off as Jihadists and deceiving Younes Abouyaaqoub, who told them they were "five brothers", that they were "in Spain" led by "an imam" and were going to "attack a numbder of small towns"'
25 August 2017
Screen shots of the whole WhatsApp conversation appear in the article.
It was reported here:
'On July 31 significant chatter occurred that prompted Exeintel to immediately share critical intelligence with authorities in Europe’
This site cannot now be visited.
This is a short history how of the Catalan Mossos have been kept in the dark about terrorist activities and threats.
3 March 2009: Last meeting of the Security Board in Catalonia before 2017. The Security Board is the means by which the various police forces involved in Catalonia treat the protocols of coordination and transmission of information. The next one to be held was on July 10, 2017. The Security Board should be convened by the Ministry of the Interior, but due to its non-convocation, the Generalitat was forced to unilaterally call it on three occasions without the State turning up.
April 8, 2015: Operation Caronte: Mossos de Esquadra detained 11 Jihadists in Sabadell who were trying to attack in Catalonia. The operation is carried out with an agent infiltrated in the organization. That same day, Mossos de Esquadra filed a complaint against the National Police for having informed a confidant of the operation of the Mossos and thus allowing several of them to escape, before being detained in Bulgaria. The confidant belonged to the Jihadist cell and this endangered the life of the undercover agent.
April 8, 2015: Judge Santiago Pedraz filed the court case, indicating that it was an error, despite the fact that the leak was proven. http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticia/4303323/20150514/mossos-acusen-policia-espanyola-dhaver-avisat-uns-gihadistes-perseguien.html
June 3, 2015: The spokesman of the main union of the Mossos d'Esquadra denounced that [former Interior Minister] Fernandez Diaz put citizens at risk by leaving the Mossos outside Europol, given the existing Jihadist risk in Catalonia. Fernandez Diaz ignores the request made by Mossos and the Generalitat de Catalunya. http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/espana/noticias/6764113/06/15/Un-sindicato-de-Mossos-cree-que-dejarles-fuera-de-Interpol-pone-en-riesgo-a-la-ciudadania.html
November 14, 2016: The new Europol regulation is approved according to which all competent police officers of each European country should cooperate with this body. Mossos de Esquadra is one of the competent police. The regulations enter into force on May 1, 2017.
June 7, 2017: After not being authorised to issue calls since 2011, the Generalitat announces the call to select 500 Mossos d'Esquadra. The amount of this call is reflected in the general budgets of the state.
June 15, 2017: The Spanish state registers the Ertzaintza in Europol and CITCO, leaving the Mossos d'Esquadra outside. That same day, Hacienda sent an order to block the recruitment of the 500 new Mossos.
See http://www.catalannews.com/society-science/item/spain-excludes-catalan-police-from-europol-while-granting-access-to-basques
June 20, 2017: Eurocop (Association of European Police) denounces that the Spanish government is endangering the security of European citizens with their attitude of leaving the police forces outside Europol. That same day, ERC Deputy Gabriel Rufian calls the Spanish Minister of Interior "miserable and irresponsible" for not summoning the Security Council in Catalonia, not allowing the convocation of the 500 mossos and not discharging the mossos in Europol.
Catalan President: ‘We asked them not to play politics with security. Unfortunately, the Spanish government had other priorities’
José Luis Olivera, the current CITCO director was previously head of the Centro Nacional de Coordinación Antiterrorista and it was he, it is claimed, who blocked access of the Mossos to the databases.
According to at least one Madrid daily newspaper, El País, the Catalan police attended the last meeting of the "Mesa de Valoración de la Amenaza Terrorista" (held on the 19th of August): "El Gobierno ha decidido, por otra parte, mantener tras los atentados de Barcelona la alerta antiterrorista en nivel 4 sobre 5, el vigente desde 2015, aunque “reforzado”, según comunicó también este sábado el ministro del Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido. El Ejecutivo tomó la decisión tras reunirse la Mesa de Valoración de la Amenaza Terrorista, en la que están representados los máximos responsables de todas las fuerzas de seguridad e inteligencia del Estado, incluidas las policías catalana y vasca."
In reference to the same meeting, the Spanish Government website claimed that "El ministro del Interior evalúa junto a Policía y Guardia Civil la puesta en marcha de las medidas de refuerzo adicional para el nivel 4 de alerta antiterrorista", and in the text repeated that he had met "con los máximos responsables de los servicios de Información de la Policía Nacional y la Guardia Civil". No mention of the Catalan (or Basque) police. Who manipulated the truth? I cannot tell from the photographs.
Return to index: https://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/spains-dirty-war-and-17a-terrorist.html
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