5 de març 2014

Declaration of the Rights of the Catalan Nation,1966

In 1966, a group of Catalan exiles met in Mexico to hold the Second National Conference. On June 26 they adopted a "Declaration of Rights of the Catala Nation", which was published by the Catalan National Council in England (where Josep Maria Batista i Roca ran the General Secretariat in Cambridge) the following year...

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The text quotes the following words from a speech by Charles Speech in Cork (21 January 1885): 'No man has the right to fix the boundary to the march of a nation. No man has the right to say to his country "Thus far shalt thou go and no further".'

A PDF file of the 16-page booklet, made by Sr. Ferran Roglan (to whom our thanks!), can be accessed here: http://cv.uoc.edu/~grc0_003638_web/1966_Declaracio_de_Drets_de_la_Nacio_Catalana.pdf 

Enric Borràs posted a transcript of the text of the document: http://blocs.mesvilaweb.cat/node/view/id/10866

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