29 de març 2018

Imma Cabotí writes about Spain's onslaught on Catalonia

 Imma Cabotí has written (March 29 2018):

***To read the whole text, in English, click below on "Més informació" ***

27 de març 2018


I don't know if the source is genuine, but to get this several times through WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal makes me, age 69, wonder what the heck Spain is trying to do to the Catalan people!

***** To read the whole text (in English, then in the Catalan orgiinal),
click below on "Més informació" *****

Post by M. Strubell, "Spain Is Pain" (27 MAR 2018)

My interpretation is that Spain is following the principle that "If you can't beat 'em at the polls, bash them right left and centre"
Click here if need be to read the whole post

26 de març 2018

International press reaction to the EAWs

International press reaction to the Euroorders against exiled Catalan politicians in the UK, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland (small selection).

***** To see the list, click below on "Més informació" *****



Leading article
March 26 2018, 12:01am,
The Times

Spain Again 

***** To read the text, click below on "Més informació" *****

24 de març 2018

Double Agent (English)

"The mossos assure that a member of the Popular Party's security services negotiated the delivery of arms to the separatist movement to criminalize it".

From El Español newspaper (translation by M. Strubell) .


***** To read the whole text, click below on "Més informació" *****

It could be foreseen / Era previsible / Vicenç Villatoro (ENGLISH)

This is an English translation by M. Strubell of an article by Vicenç Villatoro, in Ara, on March 11 2018. Original: https://m.ara.cat/opinio/marc-previsible_0_1976202411.html
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Catalan Speaker's speech (23 MAR 2018)

This is an English translation by Dr. M. McNaught of the Catalan Speaker's solemn Declaration in Parliament today, following the detention without bail of five Catalan MPs (two of which have resigned to ensure the pro.independence majority in Parliament).
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Article by María José Pintor Sánchez-Ocaña

This is an article, translated into English by M. Strubell, which, if Ms. Pintor wants, will be removed, amended or replaced.


The Editor's say

The absurdity of Justice: Not in my name

As a Spanish and a constitutionalist, I expected to be in the group of the good guys, of reason, of coherence. I was wrong.

By María José Pintor Sánchez-Ocaña - 23/3/2018

I neither understand nor share the sovereignty thesis of the separatists. Maybe that's why, as a universal, constitutionalist and Spanish citizen from Bilbao, I expected much more of my institutions. The absurdity of justice in Spain - a government puppet that has got out of hand and that does not know how to stop this - has today overwhelmed the glass of reasonability with the prosecution of Junqueras, Turull and Puigdemont on grounds of rebellion.

I have openly criticized Puigdemont for not coming forward and fleeing, compared to the courage of Junqueras, yet I understand today that it is impossible to ask for so much sacrifice from anyone, no matter how firm their convictions.

That is why I understand better the leader of Junts per Catalunya and, above all, I share Marta Rovira's reasons in her farewell letter - I do not know if it was written before or after fleeing from Spain and leaving the Supreme Court in the lurch - especially when it refers to the most family-linked, personal facet, when she mentions her daughter.

In whose name do the Government and the Supreme court dare to go so far against the pro-independence leaders - who are as pro-sovereignty as they are peaceful - without a blush? Not in my name, to be sure.

I am ashamed of tboae who use force instead of reason and more than ever I share the universal sentence of Unamuno to Millán Astray*: "You will win but you will not convince".

How am I to explain to my daughter, who is growing up believing in values, in our country and our institutions, that in Spain ideas take people to prison, to exile, to prison sentences harsher than what a woman might get for killing a minor.

How am I to defend the constitutional framework, which is mine, when people tried and convicted of corruption, money laundering and other barbarities are still free - for instance, Urdangarin - compared to those who peacefully (though I believe mistakenly) declare, support or vote for an independence process, and that can be sent to jail without having gone on trial?

Not in my name, I repeat. Not in mine and that of thousands of citizens who want to refute the ideas of Junqueras and the other pro-independence leaders by looking them in the face, in mutual freedom and without having to be ashamed of our institutions.

In my name, I apologize for so much injustice, unnecessary suffering and for some deeds of a Government that respects neither the separation of powers nor the rules of democracy.

Not in my name. How shameful!

* Said by the Chancellor of Salamanca University to one of the rebel generals, early in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

23 de març 2018

Marta Rovira's farewell letter

This is my translation (as a tribute to her courage) of Ms. Marta Rovira's farewell letter, on leaving for exile. If an official version is published (or improvements are suggested), I shall replace mine below.

Today I set out on a tough road, a road that, unfortunately, so many others that preceded us have had to take. The Road to Exile.

I cannot hide the deep sadness that I feel in moving away from so many of you that I love, that I love so much. Of so many struggles shared over so many years with people who are moved by a single goal: that of changing the society they live in. To make it fairer. Worthy people. To stop seeing the landscapes that have surrounded me since childhood, to stroll through the cities where I have lived...

I feel sad, but I would have been felt even sadder living in silence. Feeling my freedom of expression censored by courts that intimidate and apply - brazenly - political criteria. Every day, every hour I felt my freedom limited by arbitrary threats from the courts. I did not feel free. I didn't recognize myself. During recent weeks, I have been living inside an internal prison.

Exile will be a tough road, but it is the only way I have to recover my political voice. It is the only way I have to stand up to the PP government, that persecutes everyone who is in favour of voting, and who punishes anyone who tries to change what is laid down and established. It is a government that is ready to push aside the rule of law and civil liberties in order to achieve its political ends.

I have a daughter, Agnès. Mothers know how much I love her. And how strong the feeling is, of giving her all one can. Exile will allow me to be a mother for her, and she deserves it. A lot.

I want to say one last thing. Do not let bitterness gnaw inside you. The analysis of an anti-democratic and deeply unfair reality must not give way to resentment against anyone or anything. Only from respect for and love of all citizens and all opinions will we achieve profound, radical changes. Only through working together will we achieve a Republic for everyone.

As Oriol says, "In the days ahead, stay strong and united. Transform indignation into courage and perseverance. Anger, into love. Always think of others. What do we have to do? Persist because I shall persist. Thank you for all your support. I love you." And that's what we will do, Oriol.

I am writing to you, right now, with sincerity and freedom. And I shall be able to do it that way from now on, as general secretary of the ERC, a party that I love, that has given so much to the country and has yet to give plenty more.


Avui emprenc un camí dur, un camí que, malauradament, tants d'altres que ens precedeixen han hagut d'agafar. El camí de l'exili.

No puc amagar la profunda tristor que sento d'allunyar-me de tanta gent que m'estimo -i que m'estimo molt. De tantes lluites compartides durant tants anys amb persones que els mou un únic objectiu: canviar la societat on viuen. Fer-la més justa. Persones dignes. Deixar de veure ela paisatges que m'envolten des de la infantesa, de passejar per les ciutats on he viscut...

Sento tristor, però molt més trist hauria sigut viure silenciada interiorment. Sentir la meva llibertat d'expressió censurada per uns tribunals que intimiden i que apliquen -descaradament- criteris polítics. Cada dia, cada hora sentia la meva llibertat limitada per amenaces judicials arbitràries. No em sentia lliure. No em reconeixia. Aquestes darreres setmanes he viscut dins d'una presó interna.

L'exili serà un camí dur, però és l'única forma que tinc de recuperar la meva veu política. Es l'única forma que tinc d'alçar-me en contra del Govern del PP, que persegueix tothom qui està a favor de votar, i que castiga qualsevol que intenta canviar el prestablert i l'establert. Un Govern que està disposat a saltar-se l'estat de dret i les llibertats civils per aconseguir els seus fins polítics.

Tinc una filla, l'Agnès. Les mares sabeu com me l'estimo. I com de fort és el sentiment de donar-li tot el que li pugui donar, L'exili em permetrà fer-li de mare, i s'ho mereix. Molt.

Us vull dir una darrera cosa. No deixeu que la rancúnia s'apoderi de vosaltres. L'anàlisi d'una realitat anti-democràtica i profundament injusta no ha de donar pas el ressentiment. Contra ningú. Contra res. Només des del respecte i de l'amor cap a tots els ciutadans i totes les opinions bastirem canvis radicals i profunds. Només des del treball conjunt aconseguirem una República per a tots.

Tal com diu l'Oriol, "En aquests dies que vindran, mantingueu-vos forts i units. Transformeu la indignació en coratge i perseverança. La ràbia, en amor. Penseu sempre en els altres. En el que hem de refer. Persistiu perquè jo persistiré. Gràcies per tot el vostre suport. Us estimo". I això és el que farem, Oriol.

Us escric, ara sí, amb sinceritat i llibertat. I és tal com ho podré fer des d'ara com a secretària general d'ERC, un partit que estimo, que ha donat tant al país i que encara ha de donar molt més.

Visca la llibertat, la justícia, la igualtat i la fraternitat. Visca una República catalana per a tothom!

Marta Rovira
Secretària general d'Esquerra Republicana

23 de març de 2018

22 de març 2018

Krystyna Schreiber: Europa in der Pflicht

Traduccions de l'article "Europa in der Pflicht" escrita per Krystyna Schreiber.

1. Català

Un grup de reconeguts jutges i juristes internacionals determina que les accions del govern espanyol contra l’independentisme català són il·legals




2. Espanyol

Juristas internacionales determinan la ilegalidad de las acciones del Gobierno español contra el independentismo


3. Gallec 

Un equipo de xuristas internacionais determina que as accións do Goberno español contra o movemento independentista catalán son ilegais.

4. English


Vegeu / Ver / See 
"Catalonian human rights review. Judicial controls in the context of the 1 October referendum".
Jean-Paul Costa
Françoise Tulkens
Wolfgang Kaleck
Jessica Simor QC
19 December 2017
PDF: https://www.esquerra.cat/arxius/sectorials/informe_2018-3-5_judicial_controls_1O_ER.pdf

21 de març 2018

Two more articles by Jordi Domingo

My English translation of two disturbing articles by Jordi Domingo i Garcia-Milà on the decay in Spanish institutions

Click here, if need be, to read the whole post

20 de març 2018

Article by Jordi Domingo

Article by Jordi Domingo: "Is it that hard"? (¿Tanto cuesta?)
 Click here, if need be, to read the whole post

18 de març 2018

Catalonian human rights review. Judicial controls in the context of the 1 October Referendum

"Catalonian human rights review. Judicial controls in the context of the 1 October Referendum"

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Jean-Paul Costa
Françoise Tulkens
Wolfgang Kaleck
Jessica Simor QC

19 December 2017

47 pp.

Presented in Brussels on 1 February 2018.

PDF: https://www.elnacional.cat/uploads/s1/38/83/74/3/final-opinion.pdf

10 de març 2018

Pérez Royo : Catalonia and the courts

Five articles by Professor Javier PÉREZ-ROYO, full professor of Constitutional Law, University of Seville. The translations into English are mine.
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El 1944 el Consell Nacional de Catalunya, a Londres, va publicar una "Declaració" que té un valor més que històric. 
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4 de març 2018

TEXTS : Denúncies internacionals recollides pel Col.lectiu Praga

Diferents denúncies sobre la causa catalana es van prestant davant instàncies internacionals.  La llista la va fent el Col·lectiu Praga, de juristes.

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2 de març 2018

Puigdemont versus Spain (UNHRC)

Here is a link to the PUIGDEMONT -v- SPAIN case lodged yesterday March 1 2018 before the United Nations Human Rights Committee

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