25 de febr. 2011

Col·lectiu Emma

Col·lectiu Emma is a network of Catalans and non-Catalans living in different countries who have made it their job to try and set the record straight on news items published in the international press relating to various aspects of Catalan society.

On their site you can subscribe to their updates.
email address: collectiuemma@gmail.com

Catalogna Oggi

"...La visita all’esposizione di Barcellona puó essere completata con un fine settimana a Venezia per visitare il Museo Fortuny, a palazzo Pesaro degli Orfei..."

"...Dopo quindici anni di richieste da parte di diverse associazioni come la Xarxa d'entitat Civiques i Culturals pels Drets i Llibertat Nacionals e di promesse non mantenute da parte del Comune, sembrava che entro l’anno sarebbero cominciati i lavori di restituzione di un importante simbolo distrutto dai regimi fascisti succedutisi in Spagna. Parliamo della ricostruzione delle quattro colonne ioniche progettate dall’architetto Josep Puig i Cadafalch, costruite nel 1919 e demolite dal regime di Miguel Primo de Rivera nel 1928..."

"...'Credo in questo Paese e nella sua gente'. È la frase che si può leggere nella pagina del sito della Generalitat de Catalunya, dedicata al suo nuovo Presidente, Artur Mas i Gavarró: http://www10.gencat.cat/elpresident/AppJava/cat/index.jsp#

"...  Verdaguer letto da Andrea Sunyol. Grande Verdaguer, bravissima l'Andrea Sunyol. Non la conosciamo ma convince." (video, 2m. 25s.)

Barcelona Newcomers' Club

"The Barcelona Newcomer's Club is a group for newcomers, expats and residents of Barcelona who enjoy meeting other people and sharing experiences. Our goal is to present all that Catalunya has to offer, through the participation of those born and bred here, recently-arrived ex-pats and longtime residents.
"The group provides members the opportunity to meet other people in the community, participate in different activities, as well as to enjoy informative and entertaining monthly meetings."


culturcat: (EN) All you need to know about Catalan culture (website)
culturcat: (FR) Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sure la culture catalane (site web)
culturacat: (ES) Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la cultura catalana (web)

Catalan! Arts

Área de Promoción Internacional del Institut Català d'Indústries Culturals

Ponemos a disposición de las empresas culturales catalanas las infraestructuras, los recursos y la experiencia necesaria para contribuir a conseguir el éxito en su internacionalización

Supporting the Catalan Cultural Industries Worldwide

Catalan! Arts – The site devoted to promote the Catalan creative industries by ICIC, the Catalan Institute for the Cultural Industries

Business Lunch: Barcelona Networking

"The Business Lunch is Barcelona's oldest and most established Business Networking Event. Our aim is to bring together members of the English-speaking Business community in Barcelona and to foster a network of mutual business relationships and interest."
"We organise a lunch, you attend and do what you do best - promote yourself and your business - in a pleasant and stimulating environment.""
Upon arrival, you will receive a complimentary drink and have approximately 30 minutes to mingle and network with other attendees. Afterwards, when the actual lunch commences, you are free to choose which table you would like to sit at and who you would like to sit next to."

The British Society of Catalunya

"The British Society of Catalunya welcomes new and existing residents of Barcelona, be they British, Spanish or of any other nationality, to enjoy and take part in a wide variety of social events, in a primarily English-speaking environment and occasionally with a British theme."
"The British Society of Catalunya - Emporda Branch - is based in l'Escala, and has subsequently been split again with the formation of the British Society of Catalunya - Roses Branch.
The Society "acts as a valuable focal point for both British and people of other nationalities to meet up in an English-speaking environment."